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Pondering Thoughts

Dark Light


These are just some quotes from other sources I have enjoyed. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Being aware of a single shortcoming within yourself….Is far more useful than being aware of a thousand in someone else.

We are an arrogant, self-styled bunch of believers. We “believe” to the point of inconvenience — and then quit.

The church exists for no other reason but the following: To draw men into Christ. To make them be like Christ. If the church isn’t doing that, then all the cathedrals, all the clergy, all the sermons, all the missions, and even the bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose.

Let us measure ourselves by our Creator, and not by our fellow humans; Then pride will be impossible.

Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.

Have you realized that all the things that truly matter, Beauty, Love, Creativity, Joy, Inner Peace : ARISE FROM BEYOND THE MIND. There must be a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought.

God is always seeking you, every sunset, every clear blue sky, every ocean wave, every starry night, every rainfall, every blooming flower, every birth, every breath taken. He blankets every single day with the invitation, I Am Here.

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.

Help somebody.
It’s the greatest feeling in the world.

Your trials do not come to PUNISH you,
but rather to AWAKEN you.

Offer your employer what you offer God and see how long you have a job.
Offer your spouse what you offer God and see how long you stay married.
Offer your fiends what you offer God and see how many friends you end up with.
The Grace of God is a remarkable thing. It is truly your most valuable possession.

If your Christianity depends upon a pastor’s preaching, then you’re a long way from where you should be.

If sin breaks God’s heart, what makes you think it will fulfill yours?

The secret to having it all…
is to know that you already do.

Then stop trying to impress creation
and start trying to impress the creator.
You’ll notice a big difference.

Every man is as close to God as he wants to be.

Here is your truth. You have God within you. Live from that place and all will be well.

Younger generation says an elderly person is hopeless because they can’t use a smartphone. Maybe the hopeless ones are those who can’t stop using it.

An honest man with an open Bible & a pad and pencil is sure to find out what is wrong with him very quickly.

If only God would come down in the form of a man and explain everything to us.